"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." ~ Matthew 5:8

Saturday, February 23, 2013

We're Engaged!

The wonderful, glorious, God-is-good reason I haven't been blogging this week! I love you, Eric!


  1. Congratulations!!! Have you set a date?!

  2. Praise our good God! Eric is so very perfect for you!

  3. I am so overjoyed for you two! So happy that God has given my cousin someone like you that he can grow old with :)

  4. Absolutely full of joy! You are the gift to our son that we have been praying for!

  5. Rejoicing for you with all my heart, dear friend :) For nearly three years now, I have observed Eric praying for and loving his future bride very deeply, and you trusting the Lord with a meek and quiet heart - Oh, He knows so perfectly what He is doing - "a match made in heaven" hardly begins to describe it :)

  6. I could not be more thrilled and delighted for you my dear cousin! :D It's been precious to watch your and Eric's relationship grow. :) I gladly welcome Eric as a cousin.
    I love you dearly.

  7. Congrats, Lissie! God bless you guys as you move on to this next stage in life.
