"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." ~ Matthew 5:8

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Flowers in Fall

I got the chance again to spend the weekend out of town, in a place with lovely grounds and chilly Soviet buildings. I wish I had been smart enough to take my camera on the hike I went on! The buildings were tucked down into a little wooded valley, but a short steep hike revealed an incredible panorama of the beautiful mountains surrounding the town I live in. If the mountains are so great and massive, how great must be the God who created the mountains!
The little bungalow building where I slept with some other homeschool helpers.
The road leading into the complex. I was quite busy both days I was there, but early one morning just after the sun came up I was able to step out into the crisp chill morning and snap some photos.
The grape season is almost over.
This is my favorite color of rose!
This lady was a bit far away, but she's in the middle of a daily activity for most Central Asian women; sweeping.

The stream that ran past all the buildings.
This was the main building; an old concrete Soviet building rather optimistically named "The President's Summer Home."
This is the flower that is most commonly seen here.
This carries rocks to a factory in the city. You don't want to stand directly underneath it!
When I got back, I arrived just in time for the seventh birthday celebration for my littlest host sister. It included friends, family, and lots of food! I was glad I had the materials to whip up this little present for her.



  1. Great pictures and nice job on your little present!

  2. Oh! I so appreciate when you post! I know it takes extra effort where you are, but please know these little glimpses into your life are so precious to those who love you!
    With much love and continuing prayers,
