"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." ~ Matthew 5:8

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Planning Ahead

Natasha (top) and Princess Bink (right) celebrate at Anna's wedding March 19, 2011

          I had to smile when I heard my 11 and 9 year old sisters (known on our family blog as Natasha and Princess Bink) carefully making their wedding plans. Having just witnessed their oldest sister getting married three months ago, they have now formulated designs for a "perfect wedding" of their own. I heard snippets like this:

"Oh, and I want a small wedding, no more than a hundred of my favorite people, and I'll get married in our back yard..."

"Natasha, I just can't decide what kind of wedding dress I should wear!!" (Distressed sigh and wave of the hands)

"Yes, I think red dresses for the bridesmaids would be perfect...it would go perfectly with the fall leaves."

          They picked peers to be their flower girls and ring bearers, not realizing that their friends too will grow up. Princess Bink agonized over who the best man should be and peered at a bridal magazine, declaring that the brides must be really wide to need such big skirts. She sadly broke the news to me that I was "way too old to be her bridesmaid."

          While I had a good chuckle over their earnest planning, I couldn't help taking a moment to pray that God would bless them not only with a beautiful wedding but a lasting and Godly marriage. Though their birthparents come from a legacy of divorce and broken relationships and both girls were born out of wedlock, I am confident of the fact that they can have a different future through a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. Though I am their sister, not their parent (despite what people at the grocery store think!), I can think of no greater joy than to see both girls saved by grace, sincere followers of Jesus, and walking in the truth. I long to see them "twice adopted".

P.S. I saved my favorite wedding scheme for last: Natasha's dream is to ride to her reception on a donkey. Yes, you read that correctly: a donkey. Now that I can't wait to see!



  1. So cute! Although if Natasha's husband-to-be were riding the donkey, it would match Matthew 21:5 better ;-)

    Natasha and Princess Bink, will you invite me to your weddings when you get them all planned out? :-D

  2. :D Those are great stories. :D Go Natasha! ;) I hope she finds a suitable donkey. lol

  3. Dear Lissie,
    personally I'd prefer a white
    horse if I had to ride anything at all.
    I was just thinking to myself about how a cousin of mine was joking about riding in on an ostrich to her wedding well they didn't do that but now she's happily married to as far as I can tell a great husband. May your sisters one day be blessed with wonderful godly husbands and happy marriages.
    Yours Truly
    Poem Girl (S. G. A)

  4. Oh Lissie! This post made me smile:) Your sisters sound like precious and treasured members of your family! "Twice adopted" - what a wonderful thought! Blessings,

