"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." ~ Matthew 5:8

Friday, December 17, 2010

Christ's Praise Sung in Unexpected Places

Having just survived finals, it occured to Tessa and I that we had a blog. A blog?!?!

Yes, it's been ages since we've posted. God has shown his power and goodness mightily to us  in the past weeks as we traveled to Moscow and begun adjusting to life with our three new siblings.

So, to warm my posting skills back up, I'd like to post a video that gave me chills and made my heart swell with praise. One day, every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!

(As a postscript, my new 6 year old sister Oksana has been standing by my side watching the video posted above. Halfway through she started dancing and even began to sing, "Ah-lu-la! Ah-lu-la!" Having seen her language skills grow by leaps and bounds in the past three weeks, I am extremely thankful to hear her little voice uplifted, albeit unknowingly, to the Savior whose birth we are about to celebrate.)
